Birth Flower Menu:

May Birth Flower

May birth flower is the lily of the valley. The lily of the valley has the flower meaning of humility, chastity, sweetness and purity. The delicate white blossoms of the lily of the valley bloom snugly between the broad leaves. This May birth flower is a wonderfully fragrant and beautiful plant. The alternate May birth flower is the lily of any variety.

Lily of the valley is a native of Europe. It has a flower meaning of the return of happiness. This May birth flower is used often in bridal arrangements for the sweet perfume. Lily of the valley can be grown is sun or shade and is a beautifully fragrant groundcover. Lily of the Valley has also been used in heral medicine as a poison antidote, for the heart and epilepsy. It is a favorite flower among brides and party planners as it is a wonderfully elegant flower. Lily of the valley is one of the most delicate and beautiful of the lily family.

According to legend, the lily of the valley came into being from Eve's tears after she was kicked out of the Garden of Eden. The May birth flower is also called "the ladder to heaven" due to its bell shaped flowers hanging down from the stem. The lily of the valley is also known as "fairy ladders" in Ireland. The lily of the valley is known for its delicate white flowers and light fragrance. It is the may flower on May Day on the European continent especially in France. The lily of the valley is poisonous. The only poisonings recorded have occurred when the water from a vase of lily of the valley flowers was drunk. The specific name for lily of the valley is majalis which means "that which belongs to May".